The Quilt Alliance brings together a vital, active network of individuals and organizations nationwide including, but not limited to, quiltmakers, guilds, historians, folklorists, archivists, corporations, quilt shops, museums, collectors, universities, and families. This network includes you. As an alliance, we seek to celebrate and preserve quilts’ art and history, and the creativity of quiltmakers both in the past and present. Membership dues and contributions make up over 60% of our frugal operating budget and enable our mission unlike any other single source of support. You can choose from one of the membership levels below or simply make a donation of the dollar amount you choose. All memberships are renewable annually and tax-deductible.

Note: 2024 members and donors will have continued access to our 30th anniversary Block of the Month patterns distributed in 2023.

member portal login

Member Benefits:

Individual member benefits include:

  • Your membership benefits include: Monthly Save Your Story Challenges to inspire and assist you in documenting your own quilt story
  • Flora Block of the Month by Aurifil (released May 2024-April 25)
  • Quarterly virtual events announced in the monthly members’ newsletter
  • A complimentary ticket to the annual Quilters Take a Moment virtual event
  • Access to our archive of virtual events, interviews and the 2023 Block of the Month project
  • Individual members are offered modest thank you gifts to help them spread the word about the Alliance (see below for descriptions)

Guild/group member benefits include:

  • One free on-site or virtual Quilt Alliance presentation for your group per year (travel, accommodations and per diem for the speaker are not included)
  • Your individual members have the option to become Affiliate Members for one year (must join while group membership is active) at no additional cost. We create a coupon code just for your group and individuals register themselves online. Affiliate members have the same benefits as individual members at the Friend Level (savings of $30/year per person).
  • Access to the QA recording archive that includes Quilters Take a Moment events from 2020-2023 and the StoryBee interview show (38 episodes)
  • Free registration to the Quilters Take a Moment 2024 workshops for group viewing.
  • Two free banner ads per year to advertise your group’s events in the Alliance newsletter.

Membership Levels:

Individual Membership Levels and Benefits

  • Student ($20): digital membership badge (for personal blogs, websites, social media) showing folks you are a member)
  • Friend ($30): digital membership badge
  • Album ($60): add QA enamel logo lapel pin to all items above
  • Sunburst ($90): add QA logo note pad to all items above
  • Signature ($150): add QA logo t-shirt to all items above

Group (Guild/Organizational/Small Business) Membership Level and Benefits

  • $200/year
  • See benefits list above

Thank you, members. You fuel our work!

Log into your Alliance member account or contact QA Office Manager Debby Josephs if you would like to check the status of your membership.

Be Part of Quilt History.

StoryBee: an archive of 37 interviews just for our members

StoryBee hosted by Frances O’Roark Dowell is the 2018-2021 web-based interview show that profiled notable people who make, collect, sell, study, exhibit and/or preserve quilts. In keeping with the Quilt Alliance mission to document, preserve and share the history of quilts, StoryBee recorded conversations with people from all corners of the quilt world, toured their workspace and found out what was on their minds.

QA members can watch StoryBee videos at their convenience by logging into the Members-Only Corner on the QA’s website (all current members receive emails when new content is available and/or when they join/renew). Watch the first StoryBee episode below, or click on the video to watch it in YouTube. You can also find teasers for all StoryBee episodes here and our first full episode with Victoria Findlay Wolfe below.